Daily Bread

Pretoria Poetry Circle
1 min readDec 14, 2015

I. Like. Words.
I like big words. I like Lilliputian words.
Words are filling, and not just in the talking-to-avoid-silence way.
No, the right words at the right time from the right person
Can flood your heart
Deflate your lungs or
Scoop out your brains and impregnate your mind with a little piece of theirs.

It goes the other way too of course.

One of my favourite words is “companion” – A person to share bread with.

Not just a friend

Not just a lover

But a mind — a soul — whose existence nourishes (and is in turn nourished by) yours.

Man cannot live on bread alone. I want to share my bread — and many words – with a being like you.

Give us today our daily bread.

Don’t tell me you’re on some low-carb, gluten-free diet, baby.



Pretoria Poetry Circle

I walk into bakeries looking for love-crumbs but I settle for sweet pastries.