5 More Ways I Try to Make Thursday Profitable

As a Medium Writer.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Back in May, I told you about some ways we big-time writers get ready to do some big-time writing.

Refreshing snacks, the sine qua non during a period of writing, right up there with a fountain pen. Check Unsplash. I gather it all up and buckle the old journalistic seat belts.

Of course, big-time writers start winding down the week on Tuesdays, but Thursday is REALLY serious about winding it down. It’s almost Friday, in other words.

1. I start planning for the weekend. That’s when most of us do our writing and publishing since there are very few readers to get in the way.

2. I usually goober around and scribble on the next week or two of my calendar. It makes me feel proactive, productive, and highly charged in a forward-thinking way.

3. I make sure I have successfully carried forward my planned lists so as to, at least start thinking about them. When you have regularly scheduled lists, you can add to them when you think of something, without ever having to knuckle down and get serious about working on one.

4. If I have anything left in my checkbook, I may pay a bill or two, so I won’t have anything hanging over my head over this weekend to disturb my pleasure and hardcore writing…

