Our planet Earth is good but it might not be the best.

WRITER’S STUDIO | Real-life writer
6 min readMay 4, 2023


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Exploring Super-Habitable Planets: Potential Homes for Humanity?

As our planet faces increasing environmental and social challenges, scientists and futurists have been exploring the possibility of finding other habitable worlds beyond Earth. But instead of just searching for planets that are similar to our home planet, some researchers have proposed a more ambitious goal: finding super-habitableplanets that are potentially more suitable for life than Earth. We are going to explore some of the top candidates for super-habitable worlds, their characteristics, and the implications for our future as a species.

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Why do we need to find planets that are more habitable than Earth?

One reason is simply curiosity and the desire to expand our knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. But there are also practical reasons, such as the potential for human colonization and the preservation of biodiversity. If we can find worlds that offer more hospitable conditions than Earth, we may be able to ensure the survival of our species and other life forms in the face of natural or human-made disasters. Moreover, studying other habitable worlds may help us learn more about the origins and evolution of life itself, and possibly find evidence of other intelligent beings.

What would be the long-term consequences if we don’t find a super-habitable planet?

If we fail to find suitable alternatives to Earth, we may face a bleak future of declining resources, ecological collapse, and social conflict. Our planet is already facing multiple crises, such as climate change, habitat loss, pollution, and overpopulation, which threaten to destabilize our civilization and harm millions of species. Without viable options for relocation or adaptation, we may be forced to confront unprecedented challenges and suffer irreversible losses.

*you can read more about climate change here.*

What are the parameters to determine that a planet is super-habitable?

The concept of super-habitable planets is still under debate and refinement, but some possible parameters include:

  • Age and stability, which provide a stable environment for the gradual development of life.
  • Mass and gravity, which determine the atmosphere’s thickness, climate stability, and variety of ecosystems.
  • Orbit and axial tilt, which impact the planet’s seasonal changes and climate consistency.
  • Magnetic field and radiation environment, which shield the planet from solar winds and cosmic rays.
  • Distance from the star, which influences the temperature and the presence of liquid water.
  • Plate tectonics and volcanism, which provide nutrients and energy to life and regulate carbon cycles.
  • Location in the habitable zone, where the planet is not too close or too far from its star, providing the optimal conditions for life.

With the search for potentially habitable planets outside our solar system ongoing, scientists have identified a handful of exoplanets that appear to be more habitable than Earth. Here are the top five super-habitable planets and what we know about them so far:

1. K2–72e:

This super-habitable planet is about 15% larger than Earth and is located approximately 181 light-years away in the Aquarius constellation. It was discovered in 2016 by the Kepler space telescope. K2–72e is estimated to be around 7 billion years old, and its surface is thought to be covered by a vast ocean. Scientists believe that this planet is more habitable than Earth because it receives slightly less radiation from its star, making it less prone to destructive solar flares.

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2. Kepler-442b:

Kepler-442b is located around 1,120 light-years away in the Lyra constellation. It was also discovered by the Kepler space telescope in 2015. This super-habitable planet is around 33% larger than Earth and is estimated to be around 2 billion years older than our planet. Kepler-442b is thought to have a rocky surface and is located in the habitable zone of its star, which means that it has the right conditions for liquid water to exist.

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3. Kepler-62f:

Kepler-62f is located around 1,200 light-years away in the same Lyra constellation. It was discovered by the Kepler space telescope in 2013. This super-habitable planet is around 40% larger than Earth and is estimated to be around 7 billion years old. It is thought to have a rocky surface and is located in the habitable zone of its star. Kepler-62f receives slightly less radiation than Earth, making it more habitable.

Photo by NASA

4. Kepler-186f:

Kepler-186f is located around 500 light-years away in the Cygnus constellation. It was discovered in 2014. This super-habitable planet is around 10% larger than Earth and is estimated to be around 4 billion years old. It is thought to have a rocky surface and is located in the habitable zone of its star. Kepler-186f receives about a third of the radiation that Earth does, making it more habitable. It is known to be the first habitable planet that is closest to the Earth’s size.

Photo by NASA

5. Proxima Centauri b:

Proxima Centauri b is located around 4.24 light-years away, making it the closest exoplanet to Earth. It was discovered in 2016 by the European Southern Observatory. This super-habitable planet is around 1.2 times the size of Earth and is estimated to be around 4.9 billion years old. It is located in the habitable zone of its star and is thought to have a rocky surface. Proxima Centauri b is considered a strong candidate for extraterrestrial life due to its proximity to Earth and its potentially habitable conditions.

Photo by NASA

What do scientists believe about these planets?

Scientists believe that these super-habitable planets could be more conducive to supporting life than Earth. However, much more research is needed before we can confirm whether or not these planets can actually support life. Additionally, even if these planets are capable of supporting life, the technological challenges of interstellar travel and colonization mean that it is unlikely that humans will be able to migrate to these planets in the near future.

As we continue to search for potentially habitable planets, the possibility of extraterrestrial life remains a tantalizing prospect. While scientists have not yet detected any signs of intelligent life beyond Earth, the discovery of super-habitable planets brings us one step closer to finding life elsewhere in the universe.

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