How My Writer’s Block Disappeared

After 7 Days of Alien Probings

Photo by Tyler van der Hoeven on Unsplash

The weather in Ohio was dreadful. Even for Ohio.

It was drizzling rain, cold rain, barely above freezing rain.

I was a writer who couldn’t buy an idea. Even in the promised land of The Pro Football Hall of Fame and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, two areas which were right in my wheelhouse. And now I had an assignment and was paralyzed with absolute nothingness.

I tried to rest. Sometimes, I can think better with a fresh brain.

I rested an hour and then rested another hour.

I took a handful of melatonin and in about 45 minutes, I finally did fall asleep. Fitfully at first, then it mellowed out. Them my buddies came by.

I met them two years earlier while they were doing interviews of us. this time they said some hypnotism would allow a deeper exam. And it did. It was a type of hypnotism that was new to me, and a depth of examination which was new as well.

I remember giving some groggy answers to their questions for what seemed like a week, and I largely remember the wholly refreshed feeling I had when I finally started to wake completely.

In another hour or two, my ideas started to flow freely. The trick must have had something to do…

