I HEART Martin

Beating a dead (*insert figurative animal, vegetable or mineral reference*)

Photo by Hannah Pemberton on Unsplash

OK, here’s the deal.

I just recently published the new, semi-current publication schedule and it looked like this, with the open-ended question at the “end.”

Recaps/Updates/ancillary topics anything I want, or nothing on Saturdays.

Bulletins on Sundays, or at odd and irregular times. Possibly nothing on Sundays, too.

Make-up Work Monday published Mondays (For peeps who did absolutely no quality reading over the weekend)

Newsletters for the Shy (previously called Faux Newsletters) published Tuesdays (For peeps who are too shy to subscribe to the delivery.)

Hump Day Humor some Wednesdays, if I feel like it.

Newsletters for the Bold mailed out Thursdays. (E-mailed to subscribers)

Faux-Daddy Fridays published Fridays AM, “Deep Daddy” available only by extra-content subscription with Newsletters for the Bold.

Struggle Bus on Fridays. PM (Self-explanatory, part of the long-running weekly series.)

Update/recaps again (maybe) on Saturdays. (Whew)

Short promos whenever we know ANYTHING far enough in advance.

