(Am I)The Invisible Writer?

by H. G. Martin

Photo by Emad Kolahi on Unsplash

I am still fairly new to Medium. Much of my writing is experimental.

Experimental to me, at least.

I read everything I can find about processes that are new to me, but I have always found that a method which works for someone else, will not always work for me.

I read how-to stories, and don’t dismiss them automatically without a trial.

But I usually end up taking pieces and parts and combining them with other pieces and parts. There are too many variables to consider at once.

Then there’s also me, snake-bit me, bad luck me, the Invisible Writer.

Theories that increase readership by hundreds for others just don’t work the same for me.

So I experiment.

I try something and judge its effect.

On reading some of my stuff, you may ask why in the world, did I do it like that? That may be why. Part of a private experiment. A lesser author might say “it’s just me. People see I can’t write. I’m no good. Maybe a handful of people who look at my stuff even think it’s just crap.”

But here’s the redemption.

I also might be the finest writer to have ever walked the earth, but I’m invisible right now. People would love…

