Why My Own Publication, in 120 Seconds

Photo by Akshar Dave🌻 on Unsplash

I started this publication a while ago. I’ve told you before, my life is a series of experiments.

This publication is part of them.

I have been blessed to have been with some absolutely great publications since I’ve been here. In addition to being wonderful people, they have readerships of several thousands.

Why, shucks, I have quite a few reader/followers myself.

Three things have worried me, though.

  1. With all those people, how is it I can publish a piece, that I think is a pretty sweet piece, and at the end of the day, only have a couple of viewings, sometimes without a huge amount of difference as to where is was published. That tells me my writing really does stink. (Let’s ask even more people what they think.)
  2. Sometimes I write pieces that are day-specific, and would like to get a larger part of that particular day included in the exposure.
  3. And lastly, I still haven’t worked out a newsletter, and I think this may be the answer for that, too.

All that being said, I am inviting a couple of new writers to publish their works here. We may crash and burn, but we’re all quick learners. I think this will be good for all of us.

