Aesculapius in Rome

With some help from the ‘Do Good Brothers’

Anne Harrison
Writers On The Run
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2020


Ah, Rome © A. Harrison

The Tiber runs through the middle of Rome, and in the middle of the Tiber lies the picturesque Isola Tiberina. It’s but a short walk from the Forum, where on Capitoline Hill the magnificent Temple of Jupiter was once the centre of the known world, yet remains an oasis of peace in the chaos of a modern city.

Death and healing, Medieval style © A. Harrison

Aesculapius Arrives In Rome

In 293 BC, Rome suffered from one of the many pestilences which proved the tribulation of the Ancient world. Seeking divine aid, a delegation of high priests and healers made a pilgrimage to Aesculapius’ temple at Epidaurus. In response to their prayers and offerings, one of the temple’s sacred snakes made its way onto the Roman ship, taking up residence in the bow.

The success of the quest was thus assured. Upon the ship’s return to Rome, the snake slithered into the Tiber and crossed to the reed-covered island, which lay opposite the city’s port. With so obvious a sign Aesculapius desired a temple here, after it was built the island itself was hewn to resemble a ship. Large structures of white travertine were built at either end to augment the…



Anne Harrison
Writers On The Run

At 10 I discovered travel, books and philosophy. Now I pass my days with a camera in one hand, a notebook in the other, looking for the perfect coffee.