Anaga: Here Take a Deep Breath

Hela Travels
Writers On The Run
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2021

The beautiful forest on the northeast of Tenerife

Photo by the author

The mountain range of Anaga, which is a thousand meters above sea level, is a completely different world to the coastline of Tenerife — damp, cold, foggy, lush woodland, and has many spectacular views. Also there are many serpentines on which you can avoid a car in the opposite direction only at passing spaces. It is both beautiful and stomach-churning.

Anaga is lined with miradores — places you can stop and feast your eyes on views of the landscape. At the first one, we couldn’t resist and stopped, although it was starting to rain. Despite the rain, a small, merry group collected there and we were surrounded by cheerful Spanish from all sides. In a van changed into a food stand you can buy all sorts of delicacies. We also couldn’t resist them 🙂

Photo by the author

Our journey lead to Cruz del Carmen where several marked trails start. You can find also a mirador, a large but overflowing carpark (we luckily just managed to fit in), a supposedly good but also overflowing restaurant (we didn’t manage to get in), and a stand with refreshments and souvenirs.

The stand apart from the usual tourist selection also offered some unusual merchandise: raincoats, anoraks, and waterproof trousers… Many people arrive here in thin summer clothing and the fifteen degrees’ foggy mountains with nearly constant drizzle catch them off guard. I am not too surprised — only a short distance from here in Puerto, where we started from, it was over twenty degrees and sunny…

We hadn’t bought a raincoat but I got myself a piece of a large strange-looking fruit, which I didn’t know (and when I cut it open at home, instead of an exotic sweet flesh I found something resembling in both structure and taste a kohlrabi :D)

Photo by the author

From Cruz del Carmen there are several nature trails — one of which is suitable for wheelchairs. We set off on a path that should have been one of the less difficult ones. After at first sliding down a muddy hill through the woods and then clambering through mud up the hill, I started to have some doubts. Only at the end of the trail did we find out that we had walked the trail in the wrong direction and that the board at the entry (our exit) said something like “Careful — after rain the path is very slippery, enter at your own risk!” I don’t think I need to point out that it was just after the rain.

Photo by the author

Otherwise, the nature trail was great. Various information boards were interesting. We learned for example that the woodlands like the one covering Anaga capture air humidity and bring moisture to the landscape, which is currently scarce in Tenerife thanks to deforestation. The trail also engaged all our senses. Along the trail there were signs with symbols of eye, nose, or ear — look around here, breath in here, listen here…

When we did that we fully appreciated the beauty of the local landscape. Fresh, cool air saturated with a scent of laurel and moss, muffled bird song and views, which opened suddenly in front of us when the woodland parted and we glimpsed green mountainsides sloping all the way to the distant sea.

To finish with a puzzle — can you guess what is this?

Photo by the author

It is not a piece of bark as I thought at first, it is a relief of the mountain range of Anaga. On this trail of senses, you can touch it with closed eyes. The poetical English caption says:

Feel the ground’s folds The Earth is like human skin. It wrinkles with the passage of time. What you see in front of you are crests and gullies. The water, the wind and the sun have shaped the land for millions of years, leaving deeper and deeper imprints. Close your eyes and feel the wrinkles of the old volcanic massif with your hands.

Originally published at on January 24, 2021. If you liked this article, there is more like it on the blog! :)



Hela Travels
Writers On The Run

A wanderer. Sometimes traveling. Often lost. Always curious. Take a peek at my travel blog: 🧡Also: join Create Small Joys Waitlist 🧡