Part 1: How to Organize a Girl Gang Trip

Anu Anniah
Writers On The Run
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2019


Photo by Anupama A

Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to go on an all girls trip to Maldives. It was short…too short. Just 2 and a half days. But we had the time of our lives. We came back high and heady and promised ourselves that this needs to be rinsed and repeated at regular intervals. For us. For our sanity. For our insanity!

Who was in the Girl Gang?

Now this was a strange mix of girls, but we were no strangers. Four of us are friends from way back in high school. The other 6 are..well..try to keep up here. The other 6 are wives of our classmates from way back in high school!! Ever heard of such a strange mix? And nope, none of the husbands were allowed. That was the only rule on this trip.

So 10 girls of various ages, sizes, and shapes signed up for this almost 3 day trip to a beautiful beach destination. At least 6 of us had no clue how to swim!!!

How did we zero in on the place and dates?

Now that’s a story all by itself. Let me make it short. This group has been aspiring to go on a short trip for years now. We keep discussing it in our WhatsApp group.

One fine evening, we gathered for dinner, and the topic of a trip came up again. This time, the conversation turned more serious. Some of the ‘highly unlikely

