The Museum of Broken Relationships

Dan Kay
Writers On The Run
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2021


“There is properly no history, only biography” Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, painted on the wall in the Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb. Photo by author.

The Museum of Broken Relationships is dedicated to objects. Objects as symbols of love lost, and hearts broken.

What reminds you of your former lovers?

I visited this museum in Zagreb, Croatia, four years ago. It was on the list of tourist activities at the hostel, and at the moment, I wasn’t too far removed from the dissolution of my own college relationship. And so, with such things on the mind, one dreary Zagreb December morning, my traveling companion and I set off to visit this strange little museum.

It turned out to be one of the most powerful experiences of my young life.

A Museum Dedicated to Breakups?

From the get-go, the Museum of Broken Relationships sounds like it could be a real downer. But my traveling companion and I had found that Zagreb, and the Balkan Region in general, did not flinch in the face of tragedy. So, in a way, this museum seemed totally at home there.

(These days, there is a second branch of the museum in Los Angeles, California. There, in a town widely considered one of the most superficial in the USA, such sincerity and pain does seem out of place.)

The Format



Dan Kay
Writers On The Run

Always adventurous. Occasionally political. I write creative stories about life, love, climbing and travel.