The One Way to Travel More Authentically

Zoe Lee
Writers On The Run
Published in
8 min readJan 21, 2020


Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

In the last 10 years or so, it seems as if more and more businesses have been shifting towards a convenience-based model where one stop can fulfill all of your needs. Most of them are household names, such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Uber Eats, proving how ubiquitous this style of satisfaction has become.

Unfortunately, this mindset also often transitions into vacations. I’ve seen so many people who are burnt out from the “always hustling” lifestyle turn to all-inclusive resorts or cruises for a fully relaxing holiday with no obligation to plan any of it.

However, if you’re a person like me, who needs more fulfilling experiences to be satisfied, and who loves to enjoy new places in their entirety (And if you’re reading this article you probably are!), this sit-back-and-relax mentality won’t cut it. While traipsing to the tourist attractions where it’s too crowded to even get an unobstructed picture, you’d be wondering in the back of your mind what you’re missing.

How can you get the most out of the place you’re visiting? The question is to ask yourself how to go beyond the curtain of tourism and to walk into the realm of culture.

In order to travel authentically, you must live like a local



Zoe Lee
Writers On The Run

I wear many hats: mechanical/space engineer, friend, traveler, artist, writer & philosopher. Find some of my travel stories at!