Why People Don’t Make Their Dreams Come True

Wishing is so much easier than changing

Jordan Fraser
Writers On The Run


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

In theory, my job should exclusively be the act of waving my wand around and fulfilling wishes left and right.

By all accounts, I should be the damn Fairy Godmother.

Because of me, there are people out there who are able to do the things that they’ve spent a lifetime dreaming about.

I make dreams come true, so why isn’t my life a collection of sunshine and rainbows? Why do more people reject my magic than accept it?

Photo by Ander Burdain on Unsplash

The Job

A big part of my job (the dream-making part), is hiring people from English-speaking countries all around the world and bringing them to China to become teachers.
They teach a variety of subjects, and have an exciting career meeting new people and exploring the worlds biggest and most incredible city.

Would you think the hardest part of my job would be helping them get visas or organizing their accommodation?

It’s not, I’ve got a guy for that.

