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Corgi Time 2
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2016

Time to hear about a refreshing, new take on Greek Life……wait for it….. an old, white, ex fraternity brother’s opinion!

Tom Daley, or the Fraternity Advisor, is a long time Greek life blogger. He was the president of his own fraternity in college, and has written over 500 blog posts on Greek life. As one my guess, he is an arrogant, condescending ass. Don’t just take my word for it, let’s discuss how.

One of his posts is entitled, “The Great Fraternity Witch Hunt of 2015.” Right off the bat, Daley shows his true colors in this pompous title. He’s referring to those that condemn bad behaviors of fraternity life as “witches.” Witches, if you recall, were the scapegoats of white men who had problems with assertive women in the 1600s. Way to hit the ground running, Daley! The first declaration that Daley makes in the post is about how fraternity’s having problems is old news. He says, “ I don’t want to talk about the negative things going on in the fraternity world. I like to focus on the positive” (Daley). Daley is taking the ignorance-is-bliss approach, and choosing to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the fraternity world. Because this is the first statement he makes, his reader’s are aware of his pro fraternity stance right away. Later, Daley uses self victimization to gain appeal for his cause. He writes that people who disagree with his sentiments are “looking for a victim to bully” (Daley). Daley follows this up with his supremicist arrogance by saying that fraternity members will win in the long run because “WE are the leaders” (Daley). As if writing the sentiment is not enough, he then chooses to bold the word leaders. On a college campus, the obvious leaders are the ones that are condemned for committing heinous acts, right? His condescending attitude does not stop there. At the end of his post, Daley asserts that fraternities need to shut down the haters by keeping fraternities the best organizations on campus. He says “It is also up to us to pass on guys during fraternity recruitment that don’t meet those criteria” (Daley). Daley obviously does an excellent job at maintaining his pretentious reputation in this post, but are his audience lucky enough to see it come out again in another post?

You betchya!

Daley truly outdoes himself in his post “How to Persuade Your Fraternity Brothers.” He starts out with a bit of wisdom for all of his readers. Daley says, “Never ask a question in a meeting when you don’t already know the answer to it” (Daley). Wow! What fantastic advice for college students. If these words of wisdom don’t portray Daley as an arrogant idiot, I’m not sure what does. Next, Daley uses shows asshole tone and tells his audience that if they are disagreeing wit a brother about an event “you can still try to force the brotherhood to have your event by sabotaging your brother’s event” (Daley). Thank God these fraternity brothers have such a great mentor to look up to!

Overall, Daley is an arrogant, pompous asshole. He does not help the anti-greek argument whatsoever. In fact, people like him are why greek life is under such heavy scrutiny.

