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Writer’s Blog

How many times should you edit your manuscript?

Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide
4 min readMay 12, 2020


Is there a cutoff point? How many drafts are too many?

When I first started writing, I somehow managed to pluck the magical number of three from thin air. Maybe I got it from an article or maybe from chatting with writer friends, but I always thought that three drafts was the number to aim for.

This was before I had ever even tried to write a book.

Those of you have written a book, or have even only just started to are already laughing at me. Three drafts? Only three? That’s ridiculous! To be honest, even I am laughing at this number. I’m sure some writers manage to finish their projects in three drafts, but I would say that the majority of us need a little bit more time and a lot more editing!

I’m drawing near to the end of my first draft now. I call it my first draft, but I’m pretty sure that it technically counts as my second.



Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide

Writer and author with an MA in creative writing, sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to level up your writing! Find me at