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An Imposter’s Guide

How Understanding Your Motivations Will Make You a More Successful Writer

Lainey Hitchman
An Imposter’s Guide
8 min readNov 14, 2023


Writing with a touch of psychology.

Let’s take a look at a much-overlooked factor for the aspiring writer — motivation.

Our motivations will directly and powerfully impact our success, whether we measure that as writing an article or novel, getting published, or being prolific. Ultimately, your motivation will make the difference between you and someone of comparable talent achieving set goals.

Why do I say that? Well, research has shown that if someone has the right motivation, you’ll see them putting in more effort. In the world of writing, that could mean writing for longer or spending more energy on the editing process. It will also mean you persist longer to get past writer’s block or meet that deadline (Lazowski & Hulleman, 2016).

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Woolfolk (2019) explains that there are five areas of motivation:

  1. Choices.
    The choice to pick up a pen or open your laptop rather than have another cup of coffee or watch Netflix.
  2. Getting Started.
    This is linked to…



Lainey Hitchman
An Imposter’s Guide

Sharing about life, love, relationships and revelations. Author of Bringing Worlds Together, Adjusting Expectations and Improving Communication.