Writer’s Blog

Week 4 NaNoWriMo Update

I reached my halfway goal… am I crazy enough to still meet my goal?

Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide
2 min readApr 28, 2021


As I write this I’m feeling fairly positive despite having only hit my halfway goal this morning.

Let’s get all of the stats out of the way so that I can explain the game plan for the next two and a half days. This week I wrote 2958 words. I’m relatively happy with this number since I only managed to schedule half of a writing day for my novel this week.

So. In total, I am at 11,898 / 20,000 words.

I think… hear me out… I think this camp is still winnable.

Over the next two days, I have a bit of time. I also have some time this evening so I can spend some time writing tonight.

If I don’t get any writing done tonight I have to write 4,051 words every day for the next two days.

Now… That’s a lot of words. I’m very intimidated by this but I’m also aware that I’ve aired my dirty laundry on the internet and I’ve failed miserably to seem impressive thus far.

In two days I will be doing a NaNoWriMo final update. I will come to terms with whether or not I’ve won or lost, and let’s face it… I don’t want to lose publically.

So I’m going to give it my best.

That being said I’m not going to waste any more of my daily words on this update.

Wish me luck!



Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide

Writer and author with an MA in creative writing, sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to level up your writing! Find me at https://imposters-guide.com/