Writer’s Blog

Why I Don’t Write On Weekends

and why you shouldn’t either.

Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

I want to clarify that this article is not for the part-time writers out there. I fully respect the hustle and the cramming of writing hours in between jobs, babies and general life expectations.

This article is calling out writers that aren’t kind to themselves or believe that writers need to write every single day to be worth the paper they publish on.

That kind of toxic mindset doesn’t belong in the writing community, and to be honest, I’m tired of it.

Not everyone writes the way you do, so let’s stop gatekeeping writing productivity.

Why I Don’t Write On Weekends

The short answer is that every human being deserves time off. I need time to rest and recover during the weekend to do my work well during the week.

It was because of this toxic mindset that I began to have doubts about my worth as a writer and began spiralling into unhealthy working hours.

Now thankfully, things are different. I spend several hours most days writing in some capacity, that is, Monday to Friday. The weekends are when I get to chill out, play some D&D, enjoy video games and relax.



Beth van der Pol
An Imposter’s Guide

Writer and author with an MA in creative writing, sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to level up your writing! Find me at https://imposters-guide.com/