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Writer’s Blog

You’re Not an Aspiring Writer

You never were…

An Imposter’s Guide
2 min readSep 19, 2019


One of the most heartbreaking things for me is to see people that identify as an ‘aspiring writer.’ Don’t get me wrong. You can call yourself that if you like, but I’m just not sure it fits you.

Chances are if you’re not an aspiring writer, you are writing regularly, coming up with new blog material for that future blog or chipping away at the novel word count. Maybe you’re writing short stories, or poems, or one-liners that will one day grace the pages of a book.

Maybe you’re not writing regularly. Perhaps you’re not publishing? Maybe that’s why you feel as though you don’t qualify?

The thing is, no one said that a writer has to be published. A blogger has to be published. An author has to be published but a writer… doesn’t.

You don’t have to make money from your writing to be a writer.

You don’t have to publish anything to be a writer.

You have to put pen to paper to be a writer.

It doesn’t have to be regular.

It doesn’t have to be scheduled.

It doesn’t have to be perfect.

It has to be you working at your desired profession.



An Imposter’s Guide

Writer and author with an MA in creative writing, sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to level up your writing! Find me at