3 Tips on Internet Writing from Cory Jones (Head of Content, Civilized.life)

Aspen Jondreau
Writers Blok
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2018
Cory has also worked for Playboy and Mandatory.com.

Cory Jones is the first to admit that writing got him where he is today, even if he does less of it now as the Head of Content at civilized.life.

Cory’s experience writing on the internet has taught him that “it’s content, at the end of the day” that drives business. That’s how he leads a marijuana website without consuming marijuana and how he successfully relaunched Playboy.com as a non-nude website. He even convinced Hugh Hefner himself to get rid of nudity in the magazine.

With a track record that speaks to his success in creating web content, Cory came to Writers Blok and shared his insights on surviving in an online world, namely: create content that people like, don’t let the necessary evils stop your passion, and remember that your website is your business card.

1. On creating content that people like

In an environment full of algorithms and SEO keywords, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that high-quality, desirable content is still the way into hearts, minds, and Shares. The days of spamming headlines and gaming the system for the sake of visibility are gone.

Or, as Cory put it, “We’re back to Plan A” — that is, creating something good. Yes, you still have to work within the system to be seen, but first and foremost you need quality.

2. On the necessary evils

Ideally, Cory said, everything you do would be culturally impactful. But that takes time and money, and “the internet is needy.” The online rat race is real, and sometimes the demand is for something “now” rather than something “good.”

Unfortunately, there’s no way around those necessary evils. But they shouldn’t consume you. Those necessary evils should instead help fund your true passion until the day that what you get paid to do and what you want to do are the same thing.

3. On having a website

In the blinding rush of social media and the mad dash to get followers, a personal website can get overlooked. But Cory finds it to be the most important part of a person’s professional persona. It is the core of your web presence. Best of all, you can put your entire portfolio on there.

It’s may not be fun creating and managing a website (it’s very much not writing), but it gives you a front-facing presence that will help you stand out as a writer. Your website is the modern way to make a first impression.

Writers Blok is a co-writing space in Los Angeles. We specialize in structure, support, and community for writers.

Upcoming events include Q&As with Crackle GM Eric Berger, Ozark writer Paul Kolsby, and the screenwriter of Crazy Rich Asians, Adele Lim.



Aspen Jondreau
Writers Blok

I use the basics of fiction writing to tell help people and companies tell their stories.