10 Days Without Writing Is Not a Journey I Plan on Repeating

The good, the bad, and the ugly reason I won’t be doing that again anytime soon

Jack Road
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

I’d love to chalk this up as a practical research experiment, a purposeful exploration of the human mind.

Yes, I took the last ten days off from writing to see what would happen.

All for posterity: I, a brave and valiant wannabe writer sacrificing myself and my progression to learn something about my writer’s mind to share with you.

A modern-day here or sorts?

But alas, the reality is never so kind. There existed no such bold intentions and aspirations behind my seven-day recluse from the written word. The truth blinds me from that romantic ideal.

In short, I took seven days away from writing for two unjustifiable reasons: I was busy and a little bit(a lot) lazy.

But here I am, resurrected from the depths of inactivity, following a scent of inspiration, ready to reveal the revelations.

What have I learned in this brief absence, and was it worth taking a break from writing?

A bit of context first



Jack Road
Writers’ Blokke

Writer on the move. Vagabond, visiting the world and exploring everything. Journeys are happiness in motion. Let’s break the 9-5 hustle.