10 Simple Tips that Help Anyone Write More Clearly

Clean up your content whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro

Kathy Widenhouse
Writers’ Blokke


Image courtesy of Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

Can a few writing tips help you write more clearly — and shorten your learning curve in the process? You bet. And these tips aren’t just for beginners. I’ve been writing for a couple of decades and refer to this list all the time. Even if you’re a writer with a bit of experience or a seasoned pro, you want to check these easy fixes to common writing mistakes — mistakes that muddy your content.

And by all means, you want to write clear content rather than a muddied mess. Readers don’t want to be confused when they’re looking for answers. They don’t want to work too hard when they’re skimming online or browsing an article.

When you write clearly, readers may not consciously think, “This writer is easy to read,” but they’ll keep reading. In contrast, wordy writing frustrates readers and leads them to dump your content for sharper, more concise reading pastures.

Thanks to my language arts teachers in school, I had a good foundation in writing fundamentals. They infused me with the writing basics: how to write a topic sentence … how to be grammatically correct … why I should use complete sentences. All sound advice.



Kathy Widenhouse
Writers’ Blokke

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has written 9 books and garnered 600K+ views for her writing tutorials, which you can get at www.nonprofitcopywriter.com.