10 Things I Can’t Live Without

And soon the follow-up, 10 things I could live without

The Fascinating Paul Mansfield
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2021


self portrait, © Paul Mansfield

Since I’m a middle-aged white male, and can’t change that, I also can’t turn down a challenge to my honour. When Paul Combs and Simon Dillon challenged me to write a listicle called 10 Things I Can’t Live Without, I jumped right on it.

They based theirs on Eric Pierce’s same listicle, that was inspired by a GQ series of videos. Since they all included one of the GQ videos, I felt the peer pressure to include one as well.

I choose Megan Thee Stallion’s because it’ll piss some people off. And maybe one thing I can’t live without is pissing people off.

Read on and find out.

My lord and saviour, Jesus Christ

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Whoops, wrong list. Let’s put a pin in this one (or maybe some nails) and move on.



The Fascinating Paul Mansfield
Writers’ Blokke

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.