10 Tips to recover from a C-Section delivery

Monaz Prakash
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2022
Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

So you had a C-section delivery with no knowledge about what to expect post the surgery. Hang on, you have found your bait. A Cesarean or a C-Section is a major surgical procedure to bring your baby into this world. It could be planned one or an emergency one.

If its a planned one, then you are kind of mentally prepared to undergo the surgery and you would have had some time to research about what to expect during and after the procedure. A planned C-Section is typically done either when the position of the baby is not favorable to have a vaginal delivery or due to certain health condition that makes it difficult to have a normal delivery.

An emergency C-section would mean that due to certain unforeseen complications, your doctor will take a call to deliver via emergency Cesarean to avoid any risks and to ensure the safety of you and your baby. However, if its an emergency C-Section, then chances are that you may not know what to expect after you have delivered since it was not planned or you didn't see it coming.

In both these cases (planned or emergency), recovery takes time and becomes essential part of the postpartum period along side taking care of your newborn. From my personal experience, I would like to share tips and suggestions on how to have a speedy recovery from a C-Section delivery.

  1. Take it slow:

You are freshly out of surgery and slowly coming out of the sedation and can feel vibrations from the cuffs that are fastened on your legs to avoid clotting. But all you can think of is your newborn, how beautiful and perfect he/she is and you want to do everything for the baby right from the word GO. There is definitely a lot to do while taking care of yourself and the newborn. Thus, taking baby steps in doing the chores will help you recover better. Dont be in a hurry to get back on your feet or in shape. Remember recovery from a C-Section takes longer than normal delivery. So focus on your health and be patient.

2. Seek help from loved ones:

Don't shy away from asking a helping hand from a family member or friends for you will have a lot on your hands to take care of once the newborn arrives. This will give you time and space to rest which is much needed post a surgery. The more rested you are the more comfortable you will be in multitasking between feeding, changing diapers, tackling laundry, keeping up with doctors appointment and so on.

3. Consult doctor for specific queries and concerns:

Direct all your queries or concerns you may have post delivery to your OBGyn. You can make an appointment with your doctor and clarify even the most trivial doubt. Be it about how you are feeling postpartum or enquiry about pediatrician. Asking a professional is always advisable than taking any guesses.

4. Take meds on time:

All the pain medication that is helpful in alleviating your pain need to be taken on time and as prescribed. You can also ask your doctor about any stool softeners to be taken. Also the pre-natal vitamins must be taken for appropriate duration as advised.

5. Know the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression and anxiety:

It is very important for a new mother to understand the direction in which her feelings and emotions are headed. It is very common to experience baby blues even for an experienced mother. Baby blues are temporary in nature caused by changing hormones which may cause short periods of mood swings, irritability, weeping, stress, anxiety, anger. Many other factors like lack of sleep, struggles in breastfeeding, exhaustion can aggravate the blues. For some mothers its short lived while for some it lasts longer. But PPD or postpartum anxiety is a serious mood disorder that needs medical attention. Thus knowing when the baby blues turn into severe negative emotions leading to PPD is highly important. Don't hesitate to act upon the options available in front of you. Afterall you need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of your family.

6. Eat nutrition rich food:

Eating nutritious food is another way to recover faster and so is eating on time. As mothers we tend to skip meals to perform our duties but we forget that a healthy body equals better outcomes which equals better recovery.

7. Avoid certain type of clothing and purchase certain necessaries:

As a new mother who has undergone a C-Section, it is essential to wear what’s comfortable that will not interfere with your incision area over what looks good. This means that maternity outfits will still continue to rule your wardrobe choices. Also invest in buying high waist under wears, compressor socks to deal with the swelling in legs, maxi pads and adult diapers.

8. Take care of the incision:

Be mindful that you take care of the surgical incision. While getting in and out of bed is painful and uncomfortable, consider holding a pillow on your belly in doing so. Even when you sneeze or laugh.

9. Don't stress about breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding may not come naturally at first but it does get better with passage of time. However, many moms do struggle with it. Whether its the supply, latch, soreness, letdowns and so on. Remember that a fed baby equals happy baby and happy all. There is absolutely no harm in giving formula full time or even supplementing with it. Consider doing what works best for your situation rather than comparing yourself with other moms.

10. Find resources online:

Don't isolate yourself. Reconnect with your friends and family. This will help build positivity and make you feel good. If you need to talk about motherhood and its aspects, join a support group on Facebook. Make use of the internet. If you need ideas on making your life simple as a new mother, then research YouTube to find answers.

Well, all said and done every new mom wants to feel like her old self again. But don't be too hard on yourself to reach there. It takes time. Remember your body has undergone a major transformation. Be patient and stay calm. Trust me, because you are one of the many in the similar situation.



Monaz Prakash
Writers’ Blokke

I am budding writer fond of writing on Lifestyle, Motherhood, Parenting, Health. Writing comes naturally to me and I am here to unleash my true potential.