12 Hermann Hesse Quotes That Make Life a Little More Beautiful

“Every experience has its element of magic” (including this one)

Andy Murphy
Writers’ Blokke


Image from www.spectator.co.uk

I first fell in love with Hermann Hesse (like so many others) after reading Siddhartha.

I was just starting my own spiritual journey so I could relate to Siddhartha’s quest to find truth.

I also found comfort in his painful struggle as I was for the first time also beginning to understand the madness of my own mind.

I then kind of forgot about Hermann Hesse until years later when I read Demian and fell in love with him all over again.

And now being a full-time writer like I am today I have come to appreciate his work, his message, and his achievements even more.

So, in honour of the great man, here are some of my favourite quotes.

“I have never lost the feeling of contradiction that lies behind all knowledge”

That’s why Carl Jung said:

“Only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life.”

“There is no reality except the one contained within us.”

