15 Things I Love about Writing on Medium

Violet Daniels
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
8 min readNov 10, 2020


Celebrating my three month Medium anniversary with the things I love about this platform.

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

My first three months on Medium has been somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster.

I’ve had the extreme unexpected highs of having a story go semi-viral and the lows of continually being rejected by publications and not producing “original” enough writing.

It’s pretty hard to be original though when there are 60 million active users, who all have a voice. Which is pretty amazing by the way — I’m just saying, that top publications are asking a lot when they want completely original stories.

Saying that, in terms of earnings, I have consistently earned more as the months go on and it goes a little something like this: $1.32, $212.52, $239.80, not including the 30% tax Medium takes off from international writer’s. Which all in all, is something I’m pretty chuffed about. Three months ago, I had no idea it was even possible to begin earning this kind of money as someone very new to writing.

Screenshot taken by the author

Moreover, the confidence regularly writing on Medium has given me to share is more valuable than any money I earn. It’s forced me to…



Violet Daniels
Writers’ Blokke

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/