15 Tips on Email Marketing you must know in 2021

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2021
Are you wondering how to make your email campaign successful?
 Learn 15 email marketing tips that you need to know right now to create a successful email campaign.

Are you wondering how to make your email campaign successful?

Learn 15 email marketing tips that you need to know right now to create a successful email campaign.

1. Draft an attractive subject line

Email with the attractive subject line will increase your email campaign’s open rate while a poor one will decrease your success rate.

2. Shorter email are the best

Try to write crisp emails instead of writing long emails. The recipients might lose their interest to read your long story. By writing shorter emails you can also save the recipient’s time.

3. Write simple email

Draft your email with simple words instead of making it complicated. So, the reader can understand what are you trying to convey. Remember, there is a human being like you who is reading your email at end of the day.

4. Address the benefits of your products or services

Communicate about the benefits of your product or services in your email marketing campaign. It helps your prospects or customers to understand how they can get benefit by utilizing your product or service.

5. Stick to time zone

Publish your emails to your target audience with respect to their time zone. It helps the recipient to understand that you are working on their time zone which makes more comfort for the reader to get interested with your service or products.

The emails which have sent in the morning time has a higher open rate compared to other timings.

6. Personalization is the key

Always address your target audience with their first name while launching your email campaign, add their first name in the subject line as well as in the body of the email. Segment your database according to industry, technology, location and etc., And draft your email according to those specific segments. It indicates that you are doing a research about your target audience and about their company.

Personalized emails have a high success rate while compared to non-personalized emails.

7. A/B testing is mandatory

Test your email campaign with different subject line and different email messages(body) and also try to send emails in different time zone. Based on the results you can create the perfect email marketing strategy for your business.

8. Use Unsubscribe button

Include an unsubscribe button in your email campaign so, if someone is not interested in what you are offering so they have an option to unsubscribe.

9. Include your social media icons in the email newsletter

Add your social media icons on your email newsletter so your customers can follow your company on your social media channels and get the latest updates.

10. Add Call to Action

Provide call to action button in the email campaign so your target audience can take necessary actions after reading your emails.

11. Follow up is must

Don’t expect your reader to respond to your first email. You need to send multiple follow-up emails to get response from your target audience.

12. Provide your company name and business location

Include your company name and location in the email, it creates the trust among your readers regarding your business.

13. Maintain your database list

Clean your email marketing list and remove the un-subscribers list and bounced emails to boost your success rate.

14. Include your name in the sender’s name

Add your name in the sender’s name while launching the email campaign. So, the receiver knows that a human being is sending an email instead of a robot. Stop using no-reply@domainname.com in the sender’s name while publishing the campaign.

15. Follow the GDPR compliance and CCPA

If you are sending emails to Europe, you should follow the GDPR compliance while launching your email campaign. If you are ending emails to US, you should be aware of CCPA compliance and plan email campaign accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing has been around for ages, only few marketers have succeeded in it. If someone say email marketing is dead it means they didn’t used it properly.

Originally published at http://digitalthoughtz.com on August 22, 2021.



Writers’ Blokke

DigitalThoughtz is a community for aspiring Marketers, Seasonal Marketers and creative Entrepreneurs with a passion for Marketing.