2022 Free Poetry Contests to Award Up to $10,000 in Cash Prizes

Ten competitions with $0 entry fee. Some have no age or nationality restriction. Aspiring poets — it’s time to get the recognition you deserve!

Cheryll MV
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

I’m sharing a secret with you.

This year, I am entering a lot of writing competitions. I want to expose my work to judges and stretch my writing muscle to the limit.

I don’t care if the prize money is $10 or $10,000. I will write my best and enter as many contests as possible.

My goal is to grow as a writer.

If it requires triggering the dopamine in my brain, so be it. I’m telling myself it’s ok to desire to win and dream of becoming a published author one day.

Even if I lose, I’m sure I will learn from the experience. I will focus on the excitement it brought me and be thankful for the motivation.

So, here’s ten poetry contests that I found while searching. I’m spreading the word and passing them on. I hope these healthy competitions will inspire you, and if you choose to enter, bring out the best in you!

1. 100 Days of Dante Poetry Contest

