3 Activities Before Breakfast to Take Control of Your Day

These are physical exercise, reading a book, and getting early morning sunlight

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readSep 30, 2023


A few morning routines before breakfast that can change your day for good.
Photo by Oveth Martinez on Unsplash

You master your day if you take charge of the morning.

We usually start the day by checking our smartphones.
It gives the impression that we stay updated with everything happening at work.

But, it depletes the pristine morning energy.

If your day starts with external information, it does not get time to strengthen its internal resources.

When you recharge yourself in the morning, it helps to make better decisions during the day.

Below are three activities you can do before breakfast to take control of your day.

#1. Start your day with work out

It helps to kickstart your body from a sleepy state to an active state.

I have started with a mild workout after waking up.

  • I feel fresh when I sweat
  • My body does not stay in the sleep mode for long
  • My mood improves
  • I get more energy to start the day

Science has proved the incredible benefits of physical movement after waking up.

How do you motivate yourself?

  • Don’t make a ceremony to do the workout. It will create more mental obstacles to start the new habit
  • Start with any guided Zumba dance with music. It motivates the beginners.
  • Start with a short duration, like 10–15 minutes. After a few weeks, gradually increase the time.

#2. Read a book

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” — J.K. Rowling

I don’t enjoy reading.

Recently, I have started reading a book for 10 minutes a day.

Initially, reading was boring to me( as I lacked patience). But with a little push, I have started to enjoy reading.

I realize reading books helps me in many ways.

  • It gives me knowledge of diverse subjects
  • It gives me content ideas for writing
  • It helps to calm my mind

How do you motivate yourself?

If you live to read, you do not need any motivation.

If you are starting the habit of reading, start with those topics that interest you. If you are into physical fitness, read something on that topic. If you love cooking, start reading recipe books.

Try to read some motivational or personal development books in the morning.

It helps to charge your mind with positivity.

#3. Soak in the early morning sunlight

Early morning sunlight has some magical potion.

Science says that the benefits of sunbathing in the early morning are many.

After a workout, I head to the balcony and stand for some time.

  • The quiet morning light heals me
  • It gives fresh optimism and positivity to start the day
  • It helps me to keep going

How do you motivate yourself?

You do not need any external motivation.

Head out to your balcony with those sleepy eyes. The early morning magic will help you to wake up.

This simple morning routine has radically transformed my daily lifestyle.

  • It gives you some time to talk to your own body and mind
  • It fills your soul with self-love and compassion

You can tweak this routine to whatever suits you.

The main idea is to wake your body and mind from a sleepy state.

It also nourishes your mind with positivity to run the day with courage and compassion.

Try it out, and let me know if it helps you.

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