3 Hacks to master PRODUCTIVITY

I was Struggling with productivity, getting up and starting my day effectively. Now 3 graduations later I’m achieving my goals with ease.

Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJun 13, 2020


Like many students, my sleeping pattern was all over the place. Often up all night either continuously editing assignments or preparing for presentations the following day. My mornings would be a disaster, rushing frantically to be on time. This routine affects not only the tone of the day but my organisation, which directly ruins all productivity.

This all changed when I started my most recent Masters degree, by following these steps I have been able to avoid all-nighters and currently completing my final thesis stress-free.

There are a plethora of articles on morning routines. Some amazing, many not. Plus who wants to get up at 2:30 am like Mark Whalberg?, not me, I would rather sleep before a long day of work ahead.

Having tried and failed with many various techniques, I am now able to provide a list that has worked for me.

  1. Getting up 30 minutes early!
  • Rushing to the shower, brushing your teeth whilst frantically thinking about what bus or train I needed to catch was NOT an ideal start to the day. By waking up earlier than needed I am already in a calmer mood and can do some great things in the extra time. Examples;
  • Yoga, read, meditate. Do something that makes you feel good :)
  • Making time for MYSELF! self-care is essential for success.

2. Planning the day!

  • I Use a notebook/Notes on a laptop or phone for writing anything down.
  • To start I, create plans for the day. List 3 top things I want to achieve in the day.
  • Following this I list all appointments, lectures, meetings and any other extra activities, this way I can always look at my notes and understand where and when I need to be, during a busy day this can be a lifesaver.
  • Creating bigger goals for my future. A good example is S.M.A.R.T goals (specific, measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time.). Here is a guide: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart-goals.htm

3. Eating & drinking smarter!

These were the 3 changes I made to my mornings, they are very simple but gave the best results out of all the changes I had previously tried. I hope this helps you and your productivity.

Thanks for reading,




Writers’ Blokke

PhD candidate, writing about productivity, health and life in London.