3 Mind Power Exercises You Need For Getting To The Next Level

How to reprogram your subconscious mind

Rajesh Vairapandian
Writers’ Blokke


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

It was back in 2005, my friend Ram and I were traveling to a famous temple in Mathura. We both were traveling from New Delhi to Mathura by bus. Ram had bought a pair of new Adidas shoes, and he loved the blue and white colored design on the shoes. Even before we could reach Mathura, he kept saying that the temple in Mathura is always crowded, and if he left his shoes outside, it would be stolen. I could empathize with him and his fondness for his new shoes. However, apart from telling me orally, I’m sure his mind kept pondering about the safety of his shoes.

Once we reached the temple in Mathura, we had to leave our shoes outside, and Ram left his shoes under a staircase where no one could find it. Then, we went inside, but Ram’s mind was still filled with the thought that no one should steal his new pair of shoes. He probably kept repeating this thought several times until we came out of the temple. Once we came out, he ran to the staircase, under which he had left his shoes. And to his dismay, yes, his shoes had been taken away by someone!

So, did you realize what happened in this scenario? Ram’s subconscious mind believed his self-talk, and it ordered someone to take those shoes away. This is the power of self-talk. This…



Rajesh Vairapandian
Writers’ Blokke

Top 10x writer. I write about life transformation articles, Join 10000+ amazing souls on my weekly newsletter: https://rajeshvairapandian.substack.com/