3 Sales Techniques to Try in Your Emails

Emails have an ROI of 4,200%. For every $1 your spend you are making $42.

Noman Shaikh
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readApr 26, 2022


Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

Emails have an ROI of 4,200%. For every $1 your spend you are making $42.

Sadly, this stat is not for everyone. Not everyone gets a response to their emails. I know what it feels like when your emails go into the drain. All your efforts are almost wasted.

If you are willing to increase the conversions from your emails, you need to use sneaky sales techniques in your emails.

1. Sell With Stories

Our brains are wired to stories. They trigger an emotional response. Data and facts don’t excite our brains as much as stories do.

Anything relatable to your audience makes a good story. For instance, you noticed how one billboard was so good that it stuck in your head for the whole journey, that’s a story, you now need to connect it with your product/service.

2. Show Empathy

Good salesmen know their prospects better than they do. They know what’s keeping them up at night, they know their deepest fears and their desperate desires.

They genuinely care about helping their prospects. Empathy builds trust.

Here’s the thing, you can’t fake empathy. One hack to increase empathy in your emails is to picture a close friend in the problem you are solving through your product or service and write an email to that one person.

Bonus Note: Take a note of how many times you use the word ‘You’ and ‘Your’, not ‘We’ and ‘I’. Remember it is all about them, not you.

3. Use Loss Aversion

We feel the pain of losing something small more than we feel the pleasure of winning something big. We’d do anything to avoid loss. So when you’re selling something — after you focus on the benefits — focus on what they will miss out on if they don’t buy.

For example, buying a gym membership will make them healthier and happier. But if they don’t buy, the fun from their relationships would slowly go downhill and they’ll hate themselves when they look into the mirror. No one wants that pain.

Note: Stay subtle with this approach in your emails. You don’t want to push your prospects away. An easier way to do this is by writing a story of two friends — one who purchased the product and took action — the other who ignored it.

This blog was originally published on Author’s website.



Noman Shaikh
Writers’ Blokke

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant | Crazy about psychology and human behaviour | Web: sillycopies.com