3 Simple Steps to Build a Sustainable Writing Routine

First, fall in love with writing

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readApr 25, 2024


Simple three steps to build a sustainable writing routine.
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Remember those childhood days when you waited the whole day to play that favorite sport or do that hobby?

Why was the calling so strong?

Answer: It’s because you organically loved to do that activity.

It’s similar to writing.

You will feel burnout and disappointment if you set a target to write 1000 words daily.

Instead, follow these three simple steps.

Step 1: Personal essays

Write and publish personal stories.

  • Something during the day that caught your attention
  • Something that made you nostalgic
  • Something that made you cry or laugh

Here, you do not promise to deliver anything. You sing the song of your heart.

You feel good to express your thoughts unfiltered.

It’s like chatting with your best friend about how you spent the day.

Step 2: Read

Reading other people’s work inspires you in a thousand ways.

You can relate to their writing journey.

  • What were the challenges they faced?
  • How did they overcome it?
  • What steps did they take to succeed?

For example, currently, I am reading “The Art and Business of Online Writing” by Nicolas Cole.

“If your goal is to be a successful writer, then social platforms are for publishing first, and consuming second.” — Nicolas Cole

I can relate to the author’s daily schedule of doing a day job and finding time to write daily.

It gives you hope that if they can do it, you can also do it.

Books are like encouraging friends who will inspire you to achieve your dreams.

Finally, step 3.

Step 3: Niche topics

List the topics you have knowledge of and write articles about them.

Here, you promise your readers to deliver something in the headline, and you fulfill that promise throughout the article.

In this article, you do business by mentioning the below.

  • What are the pain points?
  • What solutions are you proposing?
  • Explain the benefits of your solutions
  • Provide lead magnets at the end of the article to get their email ID.

Why will this framework work?

You generate happy feelings in Step 1 and Step 2 by doing/reading what you love.

You express yourself. There is no business here.

You utilize this happiness in Step 3 to do business.

If you directly start from step 3, you will feel the burnout and want to give up.

Try this, and let me know how it works for you.

Click here to get a FREE ebook on how to develop daily online writing habits.

