3 Things Your Boss Won’t Tell You About Getting A Pay Increase

Bankable ways to shake off awkward feelings and get your money.

Courtney Leigh
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Raj Rana on Unsplash

When I’d arrive home in the dark on a Friday night, alighting from an airport cab at the end of a 60-hour week, there was never any food in the fridge. I’d order from a strip mall Chinese place about a mile from my house.

Fortune cookies would float around in the bottom of the bag with the Duck Sauce and chopsticks that would go in a drawer.

I was killing myself at work and grossly underpaid. And it was eating at me like you can’t imagine. Or maybe you can.

That combination of “This is not fair!” and “Dammit, how did I let it happen?” moves around and settles into different parts of your body, like arthritis that gets worse in certain weather.

Who hasn’t heard that timing is everything?

I’d had a string of victories and worked through weekend after weekend to prove my commitment. It was time. My hard-nosed but fair-minded boss would do right by me. I was sure of it.

That burn was being replaced with the giddy feeling you get when you imagine spending money you don’t have yet you know is coming.

