3 Ways Your Medium Comments Can Earn You Money

Your Medium comments aren’t worthless, they’re actually tremendously valuable

Jameson Steward
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

I’ve seen a few stories recently about how Medium should be compensating us when people read our comments on other writer’s stories. I’m not opposed to the idea — but I think it overlooks the fact that we already can earn money from our comments.

Now — I know we can’t earn money directly from our comments. We all know that.

But — we do earn money indirectly from the comments we make on other writer’s stories. I’ve seen this myself from my own comments.

Let me show you 3 ways your Medium comments can earn you money.

Comments Increase the Visibility of Your Profile

For example, I left a quality comment on one of Tim Denning’s stories. Notice the views from just this one comment.

A screen capture of analytics from a Medium comment
Screen capture by the author Jameson Steward

I’ve left over 100 comments since getting started on Medium at the beginning of July. This comment alone has been viewed 148 times.

