32 Social Media content type to amaze your fans

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2021
32 Social Media content type to amaze your fans Online Image

Are you wondering what are the different social media content types to increase your wow your audience online?

Don’t worry, here’s is the list of excellent social media content types you could create to attract your audience.

  1. Images
  2. Videos
  3. Blog Posts
  4. Company News
  5. Infographics
  6. eBooks
  7. Texts
  8. Interviews
  9. Polls
  10. White paper
  11. Podcast
  12. Live Video
  13. Testimonials from customers
  14. Contest
  15. Stories (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn)
  16. How to guide
  18. Webinars
  19. Memes
  20. Product Promotion
  21. Educational content
  22. Collaboration with Social Media Influencer
  23. Question and Answer (Q&A sessions)
  24. Ask Me Anything you would like to know
  25. Sharing Trending Topics
  26. User Generated Content
  27. Case Studies
  28. Announcing new product launch
  29. Product Demos
  30. Product Reviews
  31. Comparing Product VS Product B
  32. Sharing your success

1. Images

Images are the most popular and frequently posted content type across all social networks across globe.

2. Videos

Video content allows you to show instead of telling. According to a research, 14 percentage of Facebook posts, 11 percentage of Instagram posts and 5 percentage of Twitter posts are video content. 54% of marketers agree video content is the most valuable content format for achieving social media goals.

3. Blog Posts

Blogs posts and articles keep your audience informed about your industry. Blog posts helps you to increase your website traffic organically.

4. Company News

Sharing company news on social media keep your customers updated with what’s happening around your company.

5. Infographics

Infographics offers visual appeal by sharing key statistics and facts.

6. eBooks

eBook is an electronic guide which helps you in generating leads for your business, where your audience can download the eBook from your landing page by sharing their email ids and contact information with your business.

7. Text

Text posts are the most direct way to interact with your audience online. By responding to your audience comments on your social media channels helps you to build relationship with them.

8. Interviews

Interview with guest from Industry influencers can help you and your audience to gain insights.

11. Polls

Polls help you to understand your audience likes and dislikes. Based on the results you can improve your service offerings. LinkedIn polls has the highest engagement rate compared to any other content types on its platform.

10. White Papers

White papers are the best way to share your technical competency often comes in a PDF format.

11. Podcast

Podcasts are quite popular nowadays where your audience can listen to you via audio only format.

12. Live video stream

Live video helps you to have an interactive session, Q&As, webinars and other virtual events in real time with your audience.

13. Testimonials

Sharing testimonials from customers build trust about your brand among your audience.

14. Contest

Running contest in social media channels helps you to boost your online presence and increase engagement.

15. Stories

LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook added stories feature in their platform because of its popularity in Instagram.

16. How to guide

How to guide helps your audience on how to perform a certain task successfully.


Sharing most popular quotes on your social media platforms helps you to attract more followers.

18. Webinars

Social media platforms allow you to conduct webinars on their platform which is more useful for you to generate high quality leads.

73% of B2B marketers agree that webinars are the most effective way of generating high-quality leads.

19. Memes

Everyone loves humor if you are good at humor, it works best for you.

20. Product Promotion

You can promote your product on your social channels to attract new followers and generate leads

21. Educational content

Educational content is the best way to educate your audience about your product on how to use or showing how it could benefit them.

22. Collaboration with Social Media Influencer

Collaboration with Social media influencer is a great way to boost your brand awareness and to grow your followers. As the influencer could recommend your product and send the traffic to your website.

23. Question and Answer (Q&A sessions)

Question and Answer sessions are excellent way to create engaging sessions with your audience, as you can answer to your target audience questions and doubts regarding your brand.

24. Ask Me Anything you would like to know

This content is popular among Youtubers where they encourage their audiences to ask, any type of questions they would like to know, it includes personnel questions as well.

25. Sharing Trending Topics

Creating and sharing content on trending topics always keep you up in the game.

26. User Generated Content

User generated content is created by your users talking positive about your product, you can reshare those contents on your accounts to build credibility.

27. Case Studies

Case studies are great way to showcase some of your work like how did you solved a pain paint for a customer.

28. Announcing new product launch

You can introduce your new product to your existing customers and as well as the potential

Prospects via social media channels.

29. Product Demos

You can demonstrate about your product to your audience like how does the product works and can showcase various features about your product.

30. Product Reviews

You can request your Influencer customer to write reviews about your product it is a great way of build trust about your brand.

31. Comparing Product

You can create a comparison document between your product and your competitor’s product and showcase why your product is better than your competitor.

32. Sharing your success

Share the milestones you have achieved in quarterly wise or annual wise to show your customers that you are growing.

Final Thoughts

It may look like a lot of work but creating a great content marketing strategy will help you to achieve your social media goals.

Please refer to this guide to learn how to create a great content marketing strategy for your business.

Relevant topics to explore:

  1. Social Media Marketing and its benefits
  2. Statistics about Social Media Platforms
  3. What is Social Listening and its top benefits
  4. Social Listening VS Social Monitoring

Originally published at http://digitalthoughtz.com on August 27, 2021.



Writers’ Blokke

DigitalThoughtz is a community for aspiring Marketers, Seasonal Marketers and creative Entrepreneurs with a passion for Marketing.