4 Surprising Ways Writers Put Off Their Readers

Tips to avoid sabotaging your long-term success.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Writers’ Blokke


I have a wealthy uncle who’s always working, trying to multiply his money into more and more for decades. The money multiplies, but it's never enough. When it's never enough, there are other ways he tries to earn money. His capitalist mindset is really strong, and he wants to churn money from wherever he can. More money also gives him the resources to expand or differentiate his income streams, which leads to his greed rising. This is an endless cycle.

I feel writers can really change the world. If you can impact even one person no matter how little, you’re making a positive difference in the world.

We catch some writers in a similar vicious circle to my uncle’s. They’ve made significant money, have the resources, and have been around for a long time to understand the system. They know how to go around algorithms and tap into human psychology. They want to improve people’s lives, so they find flaws to make the gaps relatable and give tips to fix the flaws. Then, the readers stick by because they get value from reading what helps them improve.

