4 Tips to Destroy your Crippling Student Debt

and also set you up for a very profitable life!

David J. Meyer
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

Congrats! You have now entered the “real” world. You finished school and are ready to take on life!

You are welcomed into this new life with bills and debt. Life loves to hand out those pesky student loans! I graduated with about $30K in student debt, and I am still working my way down. It has been around a year and I am almost halfway!

Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

On the flip side, life also hands post-grads a job. This usually means you have some sort of income. I had a job in college, but it paid for groceries each month; nothing more. Now I have a real job that pays bills, debt, and fun things too.

It can be overwhelming to figure out what to do with your money. Do you invest, pay down your debt, or just live life to the fullest?

If you are like me and hate being in debt, then here are my different tips and tricks that have helped me make a pretty big dent as fast as possible.

Don’t Worry

I tend to follow Dave Ramsay’s advice and pay off my loans before thinking about other investments…



David J. Meyer
Writers’ Blokke

Husband. Writer. Founder of Biblit. Creator of short stories, poetry, blogs, and more. More info at: davidjmeyer.press