5 Easy Ways To Focus On Your Work

Mahi Jain
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2021

Distractions happen to the best of us. Whether you’re working from home, sitting in an office, or completing that pending assignment just before the deadline. The desire to complete your work but the inability to focus creates a whole different chaos.

No amount of caffeine can bring back the spark to set aside your desire to chat or your weariness. You’re not alone. Here are some of the useful ways to get your clarity of mind in no time.

  1. Take a deep breath and get it together!

Get your head back in the game. Splash some cold water on your face or go for a walk to clear your head. Motivation and inspiration are the fuels to productivity. Changing your mindset will help.

Take a moment to gather your thoughts and process your work needs. Don’t delve in with a worked-up mind.

2. Find the perfect work spot.

This tip mainly applies when you’re working from home. Sometimes the rigid chair or table is not very comfortable while for some people it is.

Choose your work area according to your comfort whether it be your bed, sofa, or even a bean bag. Just ensure that your work area is tidy and well organized. Keep a bottle of water and your requirements at a hand’s reach so you don’t have to get up and lose that string of focus.

3. Distance yourself from your phone.

Phones are super distracting when the deadlines are above the head. It’s better to keep them away for a while. Put them on silent mode, turn off your social media notifications, or sometimes it’s best to keep your phone away from you, probably in a different room in order to get that work done.

4. Take short breaks.

Researches and studies have shown that your mind stops absorbing information and paying attention after about 45 minutes; there’s no point in doing something where your mind doesn’t feel like participating.

Take short breaks after every 30–40 minutes. You can go for a walk, scroll through Instagram, post a tweet, read a book, plan your meal, or call a friend, whatever unwinds you. Timing your breaks helps a lot and makes sure that you do not get carried away.

5. Make a “ To-Do” list and keep it nearby.

It’s always helpful when you have your list of tasks beside your computer, at any conspicuous place in the work area, or in an accessible app. A gentle reminder of tasks pours some motivation and makes your mind inclined towards the completion of work.

You can further read this helpful article to focus more!


These are a few tips that help me focus when I feel distracted. Let me know some of your tips or tricks to stay focused!



Mahi Jain
Writers’ Blokke

Hey all! I am currently a student, working my way through the beauty of writing. I love to write short stories, articles and sometimes even journal how I feel.