5 Essential Life Skills I Don’t Possess at 22

AKA why I’d be the worst possible partner in an apocalypse

Laquesha Bailey
Writers’ Blokke


Upside down photo of a man dressed in black floating above mountains
Photo by Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash

Sometimes, I feel like an incomplete adult human. When I was younger, the adults I saw in real life and on-screen always seemed like they had their lives put together. It’s part of the reason I was so excited to reach adulthood. I figured life on the other side was exponentially better.

I’ve been an adult for almost five years now. The grass is not greener — it must’ve been a trick of the light. The people I grew up with are moving to new cities, getting engaged, doing the jobs of their dreams and having babies. Compared to those experiences, I can’t help but feel like I’m not measuring up.

A few days ago while in the shower — I don’t know why the weirdest thoughts accost me in the shower — I ran through a survey of my life and realized I’m lacking in a lot of ways. That there are a lot of things I should know and a lot of skills I should have at 22 that I don’t. Today, I thought I’d outline a few of the main ones. This isn’t an exhaustive list — for that we’d be here all day — but let’s discuss my most glaring faults.

1. I can’t swim

Many months ago, I was in my Ethics class when my professor pointed at me and posed the following thought experiment:



Laquesha Bailey
Writers’ Blokke

4th-year undergrad | 3x Top Writer in Feminism and Social Media | I write about race, self and whatever else piques my interest | laqueshabailey15@gmail.com