5 Mental Blocks to Creative Thinking and How to Work Around Them

You are, and you aren’t are both true.

Rrahul Anandd
Writers’ Blokke


Pic courtesy: ColiN00B on Pixabay.com

No wonder I am writing this. The shortest distance between writing and publishing is creative thinking unless your mind takes over. Imagine an ideal scenario of framing some idea and then creatively pursuing it till the finished product is delivered. Voila!

Child’s play. After all, that’s what we do all the time. Frankly, what you write is written before. Isn’t it?

Invent or re-invent; either way, creative thinking comes to the fore and makes it happen.

Whether we plan, write, or brainstorm the next big idea, we all experience creative block. The predicament and perils of the creative process are similar for each of us.

The process for achieving creative success depends on your perspective and seeing things differently than you currently do.

Also, creative thinking touted as some imaginary power available to a few is an incorrect notion developed by society. We are creative by birth, and any quest to find inspiration to unleash creativity is a farce.

Assume and be assured of your creative ability while look towards the imaginary mental blocks acting as a roadblock to creative pursuits.



Rrahul Anandd
Writers’ Blokke

Reading and writing fanatic from the rare species who prefer rest in peace to RIP.