5 Proven Strategies To Grow Business On Instagram

Kamran Karim
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2021
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Understanding how to develop your business on Instagram is critical for your 2020 digital marketing plan. The following are 5 suggestions for effectively using Instagram for business.

Why is Instagram critical to my business’s success?

While Instagram was made famous by aspirational travel and culinary photos, social media has evolved to another level in recent years. Businesses of all sizes and industries have recognized that many potential consumers browse through their postings regularly — in line, on the bus, and at work. Mobile marketing is critical to the growth of your organization.

However, do not take our word for it — examine the data. Instagram, which launched in 2010 and was acquired by Facebook in 2012, has one billion monthly active users and 700 million daily active users. Four hundred million of these people frequently engage with Instagram stories.

One of the most critical statistics about Instagram for business? 72% of Instagram users have purchased after seeing a product or service on their feed. With a bit of arithmetic, you’ll discover that just over 500 million of Instagram’s 700 million daily users have made a transaction.

Thus, people are searching for your business, but as more stories are posted and monthly users increase, they miss around 70% of postings from the individuals they follow. A portion of this is due to a new algorithm (almost identical to the one used by Facebook) that prioritizes showing users the material they “value” the most (as judged by regular interactions with posts). You cannot alter the formula, but you can modify how your business grows on Instagram. This requires consumers to regularly like, follow, and interact with your material.

This is how.

How to use Instagram to promote your business

Growing your business on Instagram requires deliberate time and effort. To get you started, here are ten simple steps.

1. Enhance your biographical information

Commence at the beginning. Is the biographical image representative of your business (or of you)? Are your items or services described enticingly? Have you included a link to your website on your page? Are the hashtags in your bio clickable?

If you replied “no” to any of these questions, you should begin by optimizing and improving your Instagram bio.

2. Create exceptional, one-of-a-kind material

Instagram is a visual medium, and captivating images are critical.

You do not need to fly to Bali or create delectable desserts to capture people’s attention (although it certainly helps! ). Still, you need to concentrate your efforts on distinctive, high-quality photos that are tastefully organized and edited. Free photo editing applications can give your photos a professional look that sets you apart from the competition.

3. Establish a regular publishing schedule

Individuals purchase items and services from firms in which they (and their friends) have confidence. The best approach to develop a relationship with potential consumers is to share your excellent content constantly.

Hootsuite now includes free tools for social media posting, allowing you to schedule daily updates in one sitting. Pro tip: Determine the optimal time to share your content on Instagram and stick to it.

4. Experiment with Instagram Live and Instagram Stories

These two tools breathe life into your images. While a photograph is a snapshot in time, Live and Stories can go deeper and give your organization its much-needed individuality. Additionally, they enable interactivity through polls and other widgets that provide quick input and facilitate access to connections.

Previously, Instagram Stories vanished after 24 hours, but the platform now includes options for organizing them in your bio.

5. Utilize your industry’s hashtags (but not excessively!)

Consider hashtags as road signs directing potential buyers to your page. Hashtags categorize and show the material in a way that enables users to discover (and follow) their interests quickly. Posts that include at least one hashtag receive a higher level of interaction than those that do not.

To achieve the most outstanding results, use your industry’s hashtags sparingly. Instagram permits up to 30 hashtags per post, but this does not imply you should. Locate and choose the top 10 in your industry, then include them in each article as appropriate.

Additional hashtag tactics include the following:

• Including a clickable hashtag in the bio section of your Instagram post

• Stay current by following hashtags related to your industry.

• Consider using hashtags in your post’s initial remark to prevent clogging up your image.

• Utilize both popular hashtags (those with a large following) and more specialized hashtags (fewer but more focused followers who are more likely to be looking for your exact services)

• Enhance your Instagram stories with hashtags

• Include your branded hashtag in all of your posts.

• Invest some effort in identifying the most relevant hashtags for your business and use them frequently.

Finally, a significant “do not”: Do not purchase followers.

While you could spend some money and gain a couple of thousand followers, consider that social media is all about connections.

Dishonest relationships are unlikely to continue and almost definitely will not generate money. While it takes longer to establish a considerable following ethically, the foundation is stronger and more likely to survive. While fake followers may appear impressive, they are unlikely to help you expand your business in the long term.



Kamran Karim
Writers’ Blokke

Inspirational, Futuristic & Innovative | CEO of The Binary Geeks & Yachtefy.com | Author of “What to Expect Before Developing an App.” kamrankarim.com