5 Unconventional Ways to Break Writers Block

How to make a little go a long long way

Cynthia A. Morgan
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Writer’s block is a universal struggle for anyone who puts pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. It’s frustrating and often feels like an impenetrable barrier to creativity. But don’t worry—there are ways to overcome this obstacle and rekindle your passion for writing. Here are five effective and slightly unorthodox ways to help you battle the dragon WrytrsBlok and not get devoured.

1. Enjoy the Silence

Look up ‘writer's block’ on Google, and nearly every methodology or solution includes WRITE WRITE WRITE, but sometimes, the best way to combat the void of creative silence is to step away from writing altogether. Just as our bodies need rest to function optimally, our creativity also needs downtime. Taking a break can be highly beneficial.

Take a Break and Recharge

When you hit a wall, consider engaging in activities that inspire and rejuvenate you. Go for a walk in nature, read a new or old book you love, listen to music, or watch a movie. These activities can help clear your mind and reignite your creative spark. Allowing yourself to enjoy the silence or the serenity of a new environment can give your mind the rest it needs to generate fresh ideas.



Cynthia A. Morgan
Writers’ Blokke

I’m an award-winning author & Inspiration coach. My writing focuses on positivity, encourages harmony, and promotes belief in the Power of One. Be the Change!