6 Browser Extensions That You Must Use To Increase Your Productivity

With great software comes great productivity.

Vivek Naskar
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Kiyun Lee on Unsplash

A year back, I was the most lost person on the planet, trying to figure out my routine and schedule in order to make myself productive as much as possible. Of course, like everyone in my situation would, I started reading books and watching videos to get every possible inspiration.

I absorbed a lot from them, especially from the videos. However, one of the most neglected features that every writer and internet user must and should use is browser extensions.

Being a software developer, I already use extensions a lot that helps me in the development or testing of my code for my web applications. Being a writer, I also found some of the most useful extensions that I use to make better use of time.

Although sometimes I use multiple browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Brave browser (I am sure you might also do), I will be extremely biased towards Chrome for obvious reasons: it is the most popular and widely used browser in the world.


This might be the most common browser extension that everyone reading this might already have. It is used by more than 10 million users worldwide in Chrome alone. The…



Vivek Naskar
Writers’ Blokke

A software developer by the day and a writer by the night!