6 Types Of People You Should Not Forget To Gift Them Christmas Presents

or do it as charity for them…it will mean a lot to these people

Writers’ Blokke
4 min readDec 14, 2021


Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

At this time of the year, as it stretches 12 Days of Christmas, some non- Muslim friends who are kind will meet up over meals with me.

That means a gift exchange!

It is an honor for me. It does not change my belief as a Muslim. However, it is an honor to catch up with my non-Muslim friends. Among them are non-Christians, non-Catholics, or non-celebrants too.

You see, we all commemorate the coming day differently.

But this Christmas, there are different people we may not want to leave out for gifts. Whether they celebrate the day or otherwise, a present will mean a lot to them.

1 — Old Folks

During the festive period, they tend to be sad. It is especially when they have nobody to visit them. Count aside those folks whose misery is the cause of their grudges, the rest of the time they appreciate strangers meeting them.

2 — Orphanage

Children living in the orphanage often wait for festive seasons. It is especially when the homes they are staying in specifically cater to their religious belief. They will usually listen to Christmas stories. They will be hopeful for surprises. Gifts and cookies will brighten their day.

3 — Homeless

There are much homeless living along the streets, especially in the US. Maybe shelters are taking them in during the winter season now. I don’t know. Are they freezing out there? Perhaps winter clothes and blankets are suitable gifts for them.

At least 1-day of surprise kindness lifts a dampened spirit. Who knows it is through 1-act of gift gives them hope? And then that hope brings in brighter days ahead for them with a better turnaround in life.

4 — Children living under Protection Order

I was a mentor in the past, although for a short time. I got sent to a school where the kids were from all sorts of broken backgrounds. One day a protection officer took away a student. Her cheerfulness was gone. Although she displayed usual behavior, we could see how sad she was. Gifts like a teddy bear to hug meant a lot to her.

So, are there any children under protection order who can be gifted something?

5 — Children who are sick

The idea of this article came from the movie Home Alone when Kevin ran around and stopped by a children’s hospital. By the window was a child who was sick. And the owner of the toy shopping mall intended to send Christmas Gifts to these sick children.

So, if you ever wonder who else you could send gifts to, perhaps you may want to consider those children in the hospital.

6 — Your office colleagues who aren’t celebrant and live far away from their families

Celebrating festive seasons is very daunting to the emotions of someone etched to the family. Unless a person is actively involved in volunteer groups or religious activities and making new friends, it is as good as a lonely time. Some people do not feel lonely even if they are alone. Not for everyone. A gift will mean a lot to the non-celebrants too.

The receiver knows deep inside their hearts when they receive gifts from a pure heart. You need not spell out to them that you are sincere. A person who mentions himself as being sincere is not yet sincere.

As a young adult in the past, I received gifts for these reasons:

  • to get rid of what the giver did not want at home (recycle)
  • to force me into accepting them as potential spouses (manipulative)
  • to send evil spells using spiritual practices (evil acts)

Give as a cheerful giver. Give as a pure heart instead of evil intentions.

So here we can conclude from this article:

  • When you want to gift someone, do it sincerely and with pure intentions

Do not forget these people if you could afford to give them a present:

  • Old folks
  • Orphanage
  • Homeless
  • Children living under a protection order
  • Children who are sick
  • Your office colleagues who are not celebrants and live far away from their families

Have a good week ahead. Thank you for sparing time to read my article.

Today’s recommended read for you:

I wrote this at the beginning of my writing on Medium. I hope you enjoy it too. 💮

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Writers’ Blokke
Writers’ Blokke

Published in Writers’ Blokke

The publication for writers and readers to create and read amazing content


Written by Lissa

Author who wrote about Life in Yemen | Writer on Medium with Random Topics | Catholic by Faith