7 Reasons why you should lie!

and when are you in trouble with lying?

Hrishi Pande
Writers’ Blokke
6 min readAug 2, 2021


Photo by NEOSiAM 2021 from Pexels

who is a good liar, and who is a bad liar, which lie is necessary and which is not.

It’s rocket science to figure this out!

and to blame it on the situation, I think is a freeway out.

But did someone tell you free-ways are wrong?



I believe there is not enough education about lying,

  • When to lie?
  • When not to lie?
  • Why lie?
  • Why not lie?

People just say, NOPE, don’t lie. THAT’S IT.

so it needs a journey, a big one, to finally figure out what a lie is, and when to and when not to lie.

For whatever I could gather so far, I have found the habit of cultivating good lies, immensely helpful!

Now I think I can’t live without lying, I have listed 7 points why!

but I want to caution the audience, about that one jewel, you will need if you want to lie and still not let go of your beloved.

Hint: last of the lines.


Ever heard about a man so charming that he cannot be faithful to one woman.

while that’s not right!

But charming people, I have to admit are poetic liars.

It's like a man/woman can have two totally contrasting qualities, that’s perhaps why superheroes are very attractive.

think about Spiderman taking his mask off, and still what you see is a Spiderman ..ahh boring.

It's because it’s supposed to be Peter Parker inside, an ordinary teen trying to make a plane living in a big city.

totally contrasting to that one savior, who jumps over the city spires, like he owns the city!

duality always gives a feeling of completeness.

and not to mention the charm it has to itself, this type of lie.

the most heroic one!


Think about a magnet, magnetic poles repel, they are opposite poles(North-South).

but they compliment each other too, in lay-mans terms, the magnet is not a magnet without south-north poles, they make the magnet, the complete magnet!

similarly truth and lies often supplement each other.

like, the truth is, “I wish we could still be together!”

and the lie is, “But it's good that you moved on..”

so, it completes the situation perfectly well, and hence, truth and lie are best served together.

only for the flavor of its completeness.


I believe, we all have one Fox/Vixen inside, who can very shrewdly change according to time and people.

But the problem is that everybody thinks he is a moral elephant.

It's like an elephant living in a jungle, thinking that, he is the biggest in the world.

Here Mr. Eleph mistook the world for the jungle and neglected the biological fact that he is just relatively bigger in the jungle.

nothing is absolutely big, it's just a bit bigger.

But for some humans, the size of their morality is absolute.

But hey Mr. Absolute-Human, you are just relatively moral.

I’ve here, tried to compare an elephant's body to human morality, both can make you believe that yours is the biggest.

But, the biological fat is, elephants are a bit bigger and you are made a bit more moral.

Don’t buy absolute morality, that will make you miserable.

Relax! we all know you are moral, we all believe in you:)


Trust me, if the brain organ of an overthinker is personified, it will look like a person who is sitting on the comfiest couch, and still sweating like he is having a heart attack!

overthinking kills! (faster than smoking)

if right now, I start to look in a mirror, I know I can do that for hours.

because it's like a tennis match between me and my reflection, I don’t care who wins, anyways it's me.

the same I think is with an overthinker, who is always witnessing a tennis match being played, between a thought and its cousin thought, somewhere in the brain.

whosoever wins that family wins!

and what is generated is uninvited, continuous fatigue.

lying can be like breaking bad.

like, one player starting to play baseball in the middle of that tennis game!!, the other player cannot play tennis alone so a pattern is broken.

it's more like breaking a pattern.

but whatever it is, it’s a change in the pattern and change is the mother of salvation.


Yes, researchers conclude that lying induces creativity.

why do you think Steve Jobs wanted iPhones to feel like the Japanese Zen gardens of Kyoto.

it's like what we just spoke of, playing baseball on a tennis court!

if you defy reality, you could end up with observations that otherwise you wouldn’t have made.


If your wife asks you, “Honey how do I look?”

Husband says, “Fat!”.


Trust me, thoughts are like sweat, best perfumed until abluted.

There are a million smells but a few perfumes!

There is no human body in this world that secretes one chemical that smells like a beautiful perfume.

anything that your body will secrete, will have a pathetic smell to it.

same I believe is with the brain, your personal opinion will always stink to others.

So better be equipped with a good perfume that will always be a firewall to your thoughts.

well, how to always smell friendly?

see below.


Friend: hey Marlin!, how was the movie?

Marlin: Boring…..

Friend: what!! Its a remake of a 1958 movie and the director is an academy award winner!

Marlin: How does it matter?

Friend: its the highest grossing movie of the decade!

Marlin: well, What's wrong with this Decade!

Friend: hahh(tiny giggle) never mind, did you get the sheets done?

Marlin: yep, will send you in an hour.

Friend: Shure, Good day.

Marlin: Good day!

Poor Marlin, he's not going to be invited to another movie, or he will always be the boring guy around, always!

well, I think Marlin is boring because he went beyond the scope of the conversation.

Because Marlin is too much concerned with disclosing in reality what he thinks about the movie.

But a big flaw in that is, that the scope of the conversation is social and it's not about what he personally thinks about the movie.

because realities can be multiple!

The best way for Marlin will be to stick to that person and not jump to the movie.

and perhaps, as said in the previous article perfume himself to be friendly.

Friend: hey Marlin, How was the movie.

Marlin: something about it?

Friend: Yes, it’s directed by an academy award winning director.

Marlin: oh! let me guess, is it your favorite movie?

Friend: yepp!, its the highest grossing of the decade.

Marlin: wow, you seem to be keenly interested in Cinema!

Friend: oh, that I fancy.

Marlin: Very well then, will send you the sheets in an hour, good day you!

Friend: Shure, thanks! good day.

sometimes to give a nice presence, you have to wear the perfume of being friendly.

it's like living in two separate worlds, personal and social, if you mix them up, it usually gets nasty around.

For me, it has been like an oasis in the desert, swims in your own pool, and then get going for the desert safari.


Okay, there is a thin line between lying and cheating, haha.. you thought I am going to give this age-old bullshit!

No, I believe cheating is a relative term.

Somebody can cheat on you and still not be wrong, it's possible, maybe you’ll discover it later.

But, I am of this insane belief, that you are cheated with only when you want to be cheated with.

But if your intentions were pure when somebody is cheating you(you never wanted to cheat them), then you are eventually going to land up in the right place.

preserve those intentions, they are your compass!

Because everybody is cheating one another.

but at times some people cheat with the motive, to harm the other, if that’s your intention, then that’s gonna end your own sweet life, real soon.

trust me, hurting people is a bad habit don’t cultivate it!

yes, we all hurt somebody sometimes, but make Shure you feel bad about it.

and cultivate lying not hurting.

what’s the difference between both?




Hrishi Pande
Writers’ Blokke

Aspiring historian, Person oriented researcher and Psychology hobbyist.