8 Harsh Writing Advice Tips Every New Writer Needs To Hear

Sumaiya Nacimulgani
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readNov 30, 2020


Photo by Hannah Grace from Unsplash

When you begin your journey in writing, whether it’s freelance, blogging, or writing on Medium, you can get excited, but overwhelmed. The motivation can last the first few weeks and then start to die out when you don’t see the results you saw other magnificent writers get.

I know that feeling. I started blogging two years back thinking that I’ll become a full-time blogger within a year, but that was far from the truth. I had high expectations and I didn’t really know the harsh reality of stepping into the world of writing online. But — I came across these awesome tips from various writers who write full-time, and I found their perspective rather intriguing. It brought some sense into me, and I thought, “hmm, some of my audience may need to hear this and receive a writing reality check too.” So, here are eight harsh realities you need to know as a beginner writer.

1. Your first draft will always be crap

No matter how much research you conduct and how much thought you put into the opening sentence, the first draft is always going to be crap — especially when you are a new writer. It can be tempting to see other writers’ claiming that they wrote an article within 30 minutes from start to finish and it got curated on Medium immediately. This is very rare for new writers…



Sumaiya Nacimulgani
Writers’ Blokke

A mommy blogger, writer & passionate mother of two lovely boys!