9 Brutal Truths About Life That Need To Be Said:

Not everything has a sweet look, touch and taste:

Shamaz Abraham
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readApr 13, 2022


1. We experience positive emotions more willingly than negative ones.

When someone opposes us or hurts us with no intention? We destroy them back without the passion for forgiveness.

No doubt, at some point or condition, your expressiveness has worth. It’s not always the source of pride to make decisions for Ego respect.

2. We can reprogram our subconscious mind to break the chains of biases.

We all experience various flavours and brands of biases. The Internet fills up with such ridiculous stuff. As we dive into the prejudices, we hurt others or ourselves in a preplanned way.

Pixabay, creature Mohijaz.

3. Affection or connection is the need of every human.

I remember feeling less effective when I try to be close to someone or make friends. That’s why, in my childhood, I don’t make any friends. In the end, I felt oversensitive and feel jealous by seeing other groups of laughers together.

4. Everyone in your life tries to do their best and even cheats on you. Are you doing your best?

Adlerian philosophy printouts to see the people as your comrades. Each one has a specific role and purpose in your life that give you experience. We, humans, are unique in life due to Sharp Experiences.

All of us face brutal, painful and bullying behaviours our reaction toward them? We find it hard facing the unsecured business. We shift towards a full-time job. We deserve and get the better once we show off all we’ve.

5. Observe people’s feelings and body language are more than their actual words.

We grab words and start predicting what happens inside others’ minds. It’s not the whole picture. When we observe the facial expression and body language of others, We can see the hidden message or mission toward a point,

6. There is no second you; respect yourself as your best friend.

Some people take it while others don’t take it seriously about self-help. You experience low self-esteem and feel doubtful about everything. You don’t waste your time on opinions. A guru can guide and put you out of the dark cave of doubts.

7. The prosperity of life lies in directional action.

Before choosing the writing path, I found myself lost in every field. When I try graphic designing and social media marketing, I lose the meaning of living. I feel bored, overwhelmed and less directional. In the end, I start writing. There is a hell of categories now in writing. Instead of choosing like choosing your best shirt from a shop, I start writing.

A wide choice is enough for taking action at the beginning of every field.

8. Listen to your inner wisdom first before going for any decision.

Opera Winfrey highlights the power of inner wisdom over her career choices. She considers a role model for inspiration can melt the audience’s heart.

9. Sex, intimacy, career, family and surprising days, life is not anything but the balance of together.

A balance of everything is the ultimate smile and regret-free life. Excess of parties has the same effect as an excess of work. We teem in mind with extra importance of any exciting stuff that ultimately leaves us feeling less worthy.



Shamaz Abraham
Writers’ Blokke

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