9 Proven Writing Tips That Helped Me Become a Top Writer on Medium

Follow these tips as soon as possible.

Almar Tagara
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readOct 2, 2023


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When I was 22 years old, I became a Top Writer on Medium.

After writing over 80 digital articles on this platform, I have learned that consistency matters more than talent. If you want to improve your writing skills, you need to practice every single day. The best writers treat writing like a normal day job.

Writing is both art and science and here are the 9 writing tips that helped me achieved the status of Top Writer on Medium:

1. Writing new headlines every single day.

Writing great headlines takes time.

One of the common headlines is called listicles headline. For example, “7 Ways to Become More Productive” is a listicle headline. Great headlines talks about the pain points of readers.

If you didn’t grab the attention of your reader in your headline, you lost them.

2. Reading books about writing.

If you want to master writing in a short amount of time, study legendary writers.

Here are my favorite writing books:

  • Everybody Writes
  • The Art And Business Of Online Writing
  • The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
  • Writing Tools
  • Writing That Works

Mastery comes from experience. There is no shortcut for making great art.

3. Writing on the right tags to build credibility.

Are you a marketer or a CEO?

If you want to be seen as an expert in marketing, then write articles about marketing. We tend to see people as an expert if they create a lot of content on their chosen subject. Following the right tags will help you reach the right readers.

You should also look for the right publication.

Here are some of the best publications on Medium:

  • Invisible Illness: Mental Health and Psychology
  • Illumination: One of The Largest Publication on Medium
  • Entrepreneurship Handbook: The Largest Entrepreneurship Publication on Medium
  • Mind Cafe: The Largest Personal Development Publication on Medium
  • Publishous: The Largest Lifestyle Publication on Medium

People will trust you if you focus build solutions around their problems.

4. Study copywriting.

Copywriting is the art and science of using words to sell products and services.

But, you can also use the principles of copywriting to write great articles. For example, you should mirror the language of your ideal readers to create empathy. In this way, they will trust you.

As a result, readers will read your work.

5. Telling stories on my articles.

Stories is one the best way to connect with your readers.

People want to know your background before you they trust you. This is why you add credibility in your talk or writing. Great stories motivates us to keep pushing forward.

The best content creators use stories to drive more sales about their products and services.

6. Hand copying viral articles by hand.

This practice changed my life.

I was not a professional journalist but this is how I learned how to write Thought Leadership Articles. After doing this practice for a long time, I have learned that viral articles consists of 600–1000 words. They also talked about entrepreneurship, personal development, and writing.

You need to learn new habits if you want to be successful.

7. Following the advice of other Top Writers.

If you want to become a Top Writer on Medium, you should read the work of other Top Writers.

I love reading the work of Eve Arnold, Tim Denning, Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi, and Zulie Rane. Viral articles have a formula. Most of the viral articles uses short sentences and short paragraphs.

If you listen to the right experts, it will improve your life.

8. Adding the principles of psychology in my writing.

One of the lessons I have learned from reading books about psychology is that if you give a reward to a person, they will repeat that behavior.

Psychology is useless if you cannot apply what you learn in real life.

Here are some of the proven ways to apply psychology in your writing:

  • Tell great stories to grab the attention of your readers.
  • Add power words in your headlines.
  • Identify the market awareness of your target audience.

Never tell a lie to your readers.

It’s hard to gain the trust of your audience.

9. Stop caring of what other people think or say.

Whether you like it or not, people will criticize your work if you share your ideas on the internet.

One of the best lessons I have learned from Seth Godin is to stop reading Amazon Reviews. Bad reviews means that your work is not for them. And that’s okay.

Haters are happy when you reply to their comments.

Thanks for reading!

Follow me to discover more about social media, digital education, and mental health.



Almar Tagara
Writers’ Blokke

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/almartagarasaas/