A Love Poem for Music Lovers

If you can’t find the right words, nick them

Simon Ximenez
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


You’re my wonder wall, written on a stone
Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

What is love?

Do you want to know?
Your love, if it is true and real, is strange.
It is the drug, my drug.
If I get addicted, it becomes all that you and I need.
And how deep that hurts.

Love is endless.

Love, when we’ve found it, is all around us in the air.
It takes over.
Having somebody to love changes everything.
It lifts us up, higher and higher.

Love is a crazy little thing.

It’s crazy stupid. And crazy. And stupid.
I wonder — when you tell me that you love me — if this is love.
Love like this, like you do.
Is it everlasting, for all time and forever?
Did I find my love?

Or is it that love lies?

It isn’t real?
Does it make me tough — with the power and glory given to me
So I’d do anything?
Or am I a victim of the same old story
You tell in the way you lie when you’re drunk?

These may seem four thought-provoking, emotionally-moving original stanzas of verse.

But let’s be honest, they probably don’t.

As you may have noticed, it’s a mash-up of references to 50-odd popular love songs.

To be precise, there are intentionally 56. But I am pretty certain there will be many more.

Let me know how many you find?

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Originally published at https://www.1extraword.com on February 14, 2021.



Simon Ximenez
Writers’ Blokke

Optimistically curious, frustratingly pragmatic, creatively logical, London-dwelling, owner of 1 Extra Word.